Just when you think everything's going wonderful, there is a trial, sin and suffering right within your own heart and home!

What to do during a trial of any sort?

Let me remind you of the story in found in Acts 16 when Paul and Silas had commanded the evil spirit to come out of a slave girl. It resulted in her owners being furious so they dragged Paul and Silas to court. They reasoned she had lost her spirit which was, in turn, giving them money. The Apostle Paul, who was a Roman citizen and because of his citizenship, should not have been thrown into jail – was! Paul was sent to jail with Silas, his partner in spreading the gospel to Rome. Perhaps Paul was quiet about his citizenship because of Silas’ and his spiritually bonded friendship? And definately because Paul knew his true citizenship was with God in His kingdom.

Here is the important point to be well noted about their jailtime: they were chained and locked behind prison doors unjustly yet still, at about midnight they began praying and singing hymns of praise to God. The other prisoners started listening to them, next, suddenly there was a violent earthquake, and the foundations of the prison were shaken and at once all of the prison doors flew open and everyone’s chains came loose. Wait what?  Our God can do that?  Yes, He can in our obedience to Him.

This recorded bible story reminds us what to do when we are faced with trials of every kind. The Lord’s Prayer teaches us that we are to come to Him first, praising his Hallowed name and character. I love the fact that Paul chooses to demonstrate truth even in the midst of being unjustly thrown into jail because of other people’s sins.

It is written that we are all going to encounter trials and tribulations but when we do face them it gives us opportunity during our testing of faith to respond by praising the Lord. (John16:33) We can rest in the truth that through Jesus Christ, who has overcome the evils of the world, will be there for us.  He will never forsake or leave our side as we grow closer to Him.  (Deuteronomy 31:6) Lord, help us to consider it pure joy when we face trials of many kinds because you tell us that the testing of our faith produces perseverance, so that we may be mature in our relationship with you and lacking nothing. (James1:2-4)

Since you will have trials how about a question you can ask yourself to remind you of what to do?  Say: Jesus: Lord, I praise your Holy name, thank you and give me wisdom!  I ask you what do I need to learn in this moment?   Then, sing a song of praise and thank Him for this opportunity to learn, see and grow in His mercy, grace and peace.

When we praise God for our trials the chains that bind us to those trials are loosened, the earth will shake with truth and doors will be opened. (Acts 16:26) To rest in our relationship with Jesus Christ requires waiting and trusting Him to work all things for our good because we love Him and put our lives in His hands.  He is trustworthy to work out the things in us that we have been called to do within His will and for His purpose.  (Romans 8:28)

Despite the injustices, despite the wrongdoings, despite the hatred, despite the evil and sin that surrounds us, we are covered and protected.  We get to use this same pattern of praise then, when it is a trial others’ are going through that directly affects us in our lives as well.  The bondage that is their gives us an opportunity to seek praise and prayer and ask for God to break the bondage chains of our oppressor’s trials and sins.  In the Name of Jesus Christ, break the chains that bind us and open doors to your truth!

Let us remember then, Jesus is the victor! So in the name of Jesus Christ, deliver us from all evil and grant us protection from the evil one! The devil is prowling like a lion. He and his spirits are   like thieves ready to divide, steal, kill and destroy all who are righteous, holy and chosen. Satan  will not be victorious, Jesus came to give and restore life to the full. (John 10:10)

My prayer for you, my friends, is that you focus on who Jesus by seeking His Word and learning more about Him, so that when you come under trials and tribulations, you can find a way out, an inner joy, or find a peace and comfort in God alone.

Jesus went through trials and tribulations historically recorded just as Paul and Silas did and we will to!  We get to praise the Lord for making us stronger when we trust Him by choosing to put our love, faith and hope in Christ Jesus!  May the chains that bind you and the doors that stop you from truth open wide! The way God does things in our lives is not the same way we would wish, try to create, desire or pray but rather He knows us more deeply and knows how to get to our hearts! In the midst of your storm or trial, praise God for what He is about to do!  God loves you so much that he doesn’t want to leave you nor your oppressors where you are!
