heart in the sand

As I gazed out my window yesterday, I noticed the moon in the sky even though it was still daylight. Then, this morning, the bright sun woke me up earlier than normal, signaling a time change.  We manipulate the clocks, either moving them forward or back, in an attempt to maintain consistency in our perception of the day. However, the sun and the moon continue their natural cycles, unaffected by our actions. Perhaps we should take cue from them?

Time shifts can leave us feeling disoriented, unsure of what time it truly is based on the external cues around us. People, too, may feel lost in the changing world, struggling to find their true identity. Wondering who they are in a culture which cultivates confusion and makes those who are certain of their identity feel bad if they adhere to their beliefs.  It’s crucial not to be swayed by the noise of the world but to anchor ourselves in the unchanging truth of God’s word.

In the midst of evolving cultures and shifting ideologies, we must remember where our true identity lies – in Christ Jesus. He crafted us with purpose and intention, He knows every hair on our heads and knit us in our mother’s wombs- our worth is not determined by external (changing) factors. Our knowledge and wisdom come from the Holy Spirit, guiding us towards a deeper understanding of who we are in Christ. (God is never changing, always consistent.  His ways will stand the test of time)

Just as the time changes, so do ideas and cultures. But amid this flux, we can find solace in the unchanging nature of God’s word, the truth. Our identity is secure in Him, and as we grow closer to Him, we become more aligned with His truth and purpose for our lives.

Instead of conforming to the world’s standards, being worried about what other’s think of us, let us seek to align ourselves with God’s will and be concerned about what He thinks and tells us in the Bible. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, offering us salvation and hope through Jesus Christ. In Him, we find clarity amidst confusion, purpose amidst uncertainty, and eternal life in His presence.

So, as the times change and the world shifts, let us stand firm in our faith, rooted in the unchanging truth of God’s love. May we seek His guidance, find our identity in Him, and embrace the journey of sanctification towards becoming more like Christ: full of love and truth. Amen.


For further reading

Genesis 1:27               You are made in God’s image

Psalm 139:13-14         You are Created by God

John 1:1-4                    You are from a Creator

John 1:12                     You are a child of God

John15:16-17               You are chosen

2 Corinthians 5:16-17 You are a new Person in Christ Jesus

Luke 12:7                     You are known by God

Matthew 10                  You are sent to proclaim truth