Some people fear loneliness, others might say they thrive in it.

But honestly, at one point and time, we all need support and encouragement because we can not always do it, get through it or see the situation clearly by ourselves.

I have a sister 18 months older than I who has gone through some pretty traumatic things in her life: one of them being breast cancer.  A time where one can truly feel the most alone.

After her diagnosis, she started working on her health in new ways. She had to challenge her inner strength because she would need to persevere in her now very uncertain circumstances.  As a way of coping, she challenged herself physically and mentally to run a half marathon.

The morning of the race my sister got up on her own to run: alone.

She began the early morning prep: water, nourishment – check, phone, fanny pack- check, running tag on her shoe – check. She was ready, but she still had to anticipate navigating parking and directional signs, the cold air, the mental state… and doing it alone.  She set out with no companion or friends just her the road ahead and God. 

Perhaps she was setting herself up for what she thought was going to be her breast cancer journey; Be tough. You can do it.  Cancer sucks! You can beat this.  Just get it done. I can only imagine the stressors in her head: Would I be there for my children? Will I see my grandchildren grow up?……Thoughts such as these could debilitate anyone, but she was not going to let it happen to her!

The race was hard enough and imagine the uncertainty of even the littlest thing added to a challenging race day, it could certainly create another stress level. Having been diagnosed with cancer was already more than enough.  She was going to find herself this day. She was being strong and courageous.

The evening prior, to encourage her along the way, I explained I would meet her at a rally point to cheer her on!  Having previously done the half marathon twice myself on the same course, I knew the route and had experienced the mental challenges I knew were ahead of her – I had been there before, however, not under such strained circumstances. She would be packing her phone so she could call me for a location heads up. This run was her journey, but I would be there to support and encourage her.

As it happened, I got a call around the mid-way point and she wanted to quit. 

She was too tired. 

I calmly told her all she had to do was walk.  Just keep walking and I would meet her. 

“Do not get off the course, just walk and breathe”

Through her sweat and our collaborative tears, I knew I had to get there to help her finish the race she started alone.  I kept talking to her on the phone – as needed – mostly just reminding her to breathe and keep going.  She admitted she was being mentally challenged with negative thoughts and some powerful fiery arrows. Everything from “Why me?” to “How do I get through this?”. Thank God my inner Coach was ignited. I knew my job was to remind her that the evil, Satan, and all his fiery arrows could not win-no matter her circumstances. He would not win and together we wouldn’t let him! She was going to finish this race and I was not going to let her be alone.  I just knew I needed to come along side her.

I reminded her that she was a Child of God. She has a place in God’s house forever.  She didn’t have to perform at the level she believed was required.  She did not have to beat a certain time, she didn’t have to prove anything to anyone except that she would be faithful and do what God set her out to do.  To finish the race.  She only needed to keep her focus on who God says she is, not who Satan wanted her to believe she was.  Her faith was being challenged and she needed encouragement – a reminder that she didn’t have to do it alone.

Finally, as I physically joined her at mile 7, I ran the rest of the race with her – No bib number, no questions asked. How no one asked me to leave the race’s course is a miracle in itself.

I had to fight back my tears because seeing her now, I knew we would do this together. Not only is she my sister on earth but she is my sister in Christ.  She needed me to remind her she could get through this because God was with her.  Again, she did not have to do it perfectly.  We run then walk – whatever it takes to finish the race…

We are not worthy or perfect, but it’s God’s love and his desire to come alongside us wherever we are to mercifully and graciously give us what we need in that moment.  That is a relationship.  That creates healthy growth and promotes love for God and the Hope in Him.  We can not finish the race in life or of life by ourselves.  If we try, we will ultimately feel lonely and isolated. God made us to be relational. He created a unique nature inside of us with a desire to seek truth and righteousness, however, we often seek worldly rewards or material things instead of Him.

Maybe, we are all at one point, chasing the high of the next accolade or accomplishment. Perhaps we all seek attention or things to fill that desire to connect or feel fulfilled in areas that are unsatisfying.

When we are weak, God is strong.  In our weakness, we can be remade or conformed into a newer self with God’s help.  One that faithfully trusts in who God is with the Holy Spirit inside of us.  It’s at that moment that our God’s strength blossoms and carries us. Until we accept that we cannot do it alone and experience His strength in us, we’ll remain alone in our suffering. Words from the Bible tell us the truth about who we are.  The fiery darts may sting but they cannot hurt us.  Oh, death, where is your sting?  There is none with Christ by our side, within us.

I thank God for that experience because I was able to see God’s word in action.  Serve others.  Serve in His name.  I was the winner in this race.  My sister was the winner in this race. I was a participant that had prepped herself with God’s word – giving me the ability to support my sister when she needed me.  My sister pushed herself to run a race that she wasn’t sure she could finish, but she gave over her doubts to God. My sister to this day, has continued to be a safe place for me in my challenges too.  She hears me, listens, and gives advice rooted in God’s word.  She helps sift the fiery arrows away and responds in a way that I know is truth… Something we both do for each other.  

The point is that at some point in the race of life  you are going to feel weak, and alone. You will feel you need help, support and encouragement from people who will walk the race with you. “When I am weak, then I am strong in Christ.” – 2 Corinthians 12:10

 As you continue on through the race of life, wouldn’t it be comforting to have people around you that know how to counsel you in the way of truth and everlasting life?