I thrive on learning, especially when it comes to challenging myself with new things. I like to put myself in situations that allow me to grow. It’s almost like an inner drive, I have to force myself to do it, or I’d be the sloth sitting on the couch watching HGTV and eating the cliché bonbons. I know, I am not like a lot of people in that, I like change. But, let me be clear, I do not enjoy it nor do I always feel comfortable. It makes me uneasy at times, and I feel stress and worry. Yet I know from experience that the challenges of my past have always given me the strength and courage to grow…Hindsight is 20/20 and I force myself to remember that when I am faced with my next challenge.
Courage, I once heard, was not just being brave, rather it is being brave in the face of fear. We all have to be courageous just to live! Can I hear an Amen? On some days, it may mean just getting up and cleaning the house or just taking a shower to start the day. For others, it may mean tackling a new sport or having that meeting with your boss to discuss compensation. Either way, we all encounter stresses, challenges, and setbacks. So I have asked myself. How can I have courage? I need knowledge or wisdom. Stressors are inevitable. So knowing they are coming, what if we did not give them the power? What if we didn’t play into the fear and extinguished it with Godly wisdom: Faith. Trusting the the truth in the Phillipians verse that says, “I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me”
There are plenty of different ways to gain knowledge: study, earning credentials or titles, experiential learning etc. But we can all agree it is impossible to know everything…
This is where my FAITH comes in. If you will, let me explain, knowledge has different levels: head knowledge or “smarts” and wisdom which comes from within. How do we gain wisdom; wise and Godly wisdom?
Through my faith journey I can tell you; it’s much like any relationship. It takes work and study of the one you love to make the relationship work. So, while I do not have less stressors or less challenges in my life, I do have a personal relationship with God. Just as we go to our parents or a trusted loved one for advice, we can also go to God. I have learned to cultivate this relationship by being curious about who God is, and who Jesus is. The only way to have Godly knowledge, or wisdom, is to work on your personal committed relationship with Him: God, the Father, The Son and Holy Spirit.
So how does one seek this relationship? For me, it helps to talk to God like he is sitting right there with me. Yes, that is my prayer. I talk with God: asking him questions, asking direction, asking him why, crying, praising, laughing…everything. Jesus is the only One who truly knows me. And he knows you too. I pray you find the time to read God’s word, asking Him to show you who He is. Ask for wisdom. Be courageous and take the chance to grow. Because if you ask, He will give it to you. (James 1:5)
If you have enough courage to get up in the morning, start your prayer with a “Thank you, God!”, and that courageous grateful heart of yours will grow to know God more so that you can begin to trust in Him, rest in His peace and experience joy, despite your circumstances (James 1:2-3). We must remember that in all things (ALL = good or bad) God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28-30)
If you are reading this, consider yourself predestined and called to be conformed to the image of His Son. You are called. So be courageous and step out into the journey of trust and faith, as you seek true wisdom. Expect to seek more answers through your new and budding relationship with God. Then, through the sanctification process, you will understand or have the wisdom to know that you truly are justified through Christ Jesus, The Savior of the world who took away our sins from us. We are justified. And those He justifies he will also glorify. Knowing this promise, I pray, it stirs a curiosity within you to desire and gain wisdom in your Creator. To seek a relationship where you are not condemned but, like a loving Father would do, are gently changed to be more like Him. Wouldn’t it be great to have a trusting, faithful and all-knowing friend in Jesus who gives wisdom generously to those who ask? Living in His wisdom brings peace. Read the bible for yourself. Don’t take anyone else’s word for it, including mine. Challenge yourself. Be courageous. Knowledge will come from the wisdom He provides daily. The gift of Salvation and wisdom are waiting for you.
May peace and joy be yours always and into eternity.